A Perfect Retirement Blog retirement readiness

Hurricane Florence

We interrupt this regularly scheduled retirement plan to bring you —Hurricane Florence!

Since I last posted, I gave a one-month notice and started to wrap up my sales career. Then, circumstances and nature intervened: a coworker gave notice one week after I did and left our manager in a bad situation, being two people down. Then Hurricane Florence pretty much closed down work—medical personnel is responding to the emergencies at hand. My husband and I have been home since Thursday to stay out of the rain and wind. Rain has really been steady but thankfully wind has not so our trees are upright so far!

Friday afternoon my manager called and pleaded with me to consider postponing my retirement until the end of the year. He says I can work how I need to work to get the territory covered and take care of personal things when needed, no pressure. Hmm, sounds tempting. I don’t mind the work, it’s the extraneous paperwork and tasks I dislike, which he tells me I can now ignore. Three more months of income and not having to pay COBRA until January 1st sounds appealing.

What do you think? What would you do?

Our warm thoughts to everyone caught up in this storm.
